Thursday, November 09, 2006

There was like, love!





ng some more hugsandthen-

Counting our chickens before they hatch!

I heard a whisper strike while the iron is hot. If this change ends up being too reassuring and not the right gear engaged now it would be all in vain. Happiness for too long does lead to contentment and as such vunerability increases. Since the world is moving att a faster paces due to plenty external factors joy unfortunatly or relaxation does not have the space it had before. In time of peace prepare for war otherwise chaos. But watch out war is much more than just against another! It starts with us and our fears that need to be addressed otherwise we might aswell hang ourselves on that celibate rope. No man is an island and both love and hate is fueled by alonesism. Pat Benator "We Belong"

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Time again

I have come to the turnstile and just beyond it is a really sharp corner. Who knows where it goes but the one whos written and the one reading who knows? Find out about ourself only to loseoneself in retrospect to the phoney commercialistic world that says it has moved on to better times yet in which perspective. Relativity of mind is already in debt since external factors do already affect the majorities frame of mind and reality perception. I still ponder to whose gain individually but ever increasingly importantly so we don´t lose hope; collectivly! Internal factors are nonewithstanding undone through malignities of modern education where learning process is hijacked and becomes a collective finetuning of "individualisim". Never more than before have we been the same; yet through our conforming eyes we have become blind to some severe kind of stupidity. What are world leaders going to say after having gotten our vote and thinking they could get away with murder and marginalization of the citizens. Time to question; do we have time......................... on and on, but sooner than we know it its going to have to continue without US in the form we are now. Find out!

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Time to question

Please you sorry ass people time is now and tomorrow aint for sure. So if any genuine people wanna support more than my complaints and heed to following some of the constructive solutions please feel free to contact me on +46 73 714 89 22 in sweden or mail me on I am on a journey finding out some core stuff about self and not "humanity" so excuse me if your only picture of me is some mentally challenged person. Just cause you don´t overstand me and most probably will have to change your life to do that don´t give up your worldly ways cause my vision is what you great grand children will be asking what you did to contribute to some more sense in these senseless times. Please remember don´t bother hijacking and perpetuating these thoughts alone if you do feel you have the competense you need to have. Lose your house and forget about your meals today and you might get abot more genuine; here what I say! signed and delivered ala Kenya/Sweden;world citizen. Blessings to ya´ll that feel these compilation of words that I guess you know where its meant to hit.