Thursday, November 09, 2006

Counting our chickens before they hatch!

I heard a whisper strike while the iron is hot. If this change ends up being too reassuring and not the right gear engaged now it would be all in vain. Happiness for too long does lead to contentment and as such vunerability increases. Since the world is moving att a faster paces due to plenty external factors joy unfortunatly or relaxation does not have the space it had before. In time of peace prepare for war otherwise chaos. But watch out war is much more than just against another! It starts with us and our fears that need to be addressed otherwise we might aswell hang ourselves on that celibate rope. No man is an island and both love and hate is fueled by alonesism. Pat Benator "We Belong"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

happiness is a choice,but not on other peoples expense,other people who might suffering much;i normally say.

4:13 PM  

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