When will neocolonialisim take a seat in the back of the bus
So the former african presidents are being looked out for in boston for their good service to the west. Indiscriminatly enrolling the former presidents of african states seems there is not so much to learn from them since in retrospect look where africa is now. To what percent have they led to establishing a sustainable development for their mother countries instead of allowing the west to override n satisfy their own agendas. Africa is still importing everything we need whats the deal? All the food we could produce; is not happening since most of the fertile land is being used to grow produce for the wests consumption while africans can't get no food to eat. Was this part of the fullfillment of the deal they arranged before they came to power and were installed to do the the dirty work of the west and their neocolonialist wheeling n dealing. Poverty is still on the rise and yet their is soooooooo much to do to build The Nation of Africa. Investments are not required we have plentiful of the most expensive resource to any business namely ´manpower and womanpower´if I may express myself so. Suitable knowledge must be in africa since the past decade the west has been bent on recruiting some of our best academics in health services namely docters and nurses. Visions of where we are and where we want to be keeping in line with our own cultures and heritage instead of sucking up to the west and all the have for us. Please publish something to this matter or refer me elsewhere is your not interested.